What grants does a user need to access the information_schema database?
The information_schema database contains a large amount of metadata about the cluster that can be useful for monitoring and troubleshooting when using your SingleStore cluster.
For a user to have access to the tables within the `information_schema` database, they need to have the `SHOW METADATA` grant applied to them:
singlestore> GRANT SHOW METADATA ON *.* TO showMetadataUser;
Can I apply `SHOW METADATA` to specific tables within the information_schema?
No. Because the information_schema pulls cluster-wide information, it needs cluster-wide permissions to perform properly. Anytime you grant `SHOW METADATA` to a user, it must be done across all databases and all tables (on *.*).
You can read more about the information_schema within our documentation.
You can also get an overview of the entire permissions matrix.