How do I check the size of a table on disk and in memory?
How do I check the size of the indexes?
How do I check the size of a Rowstore table?
Rowstore tables will use the space in memory. To view the usage of the Rowstore tables, you can use the following query:
SELECT `database_name`, `table_name`, FORMAT(SUM(`memory_use`) / 1024/1024, 0) MB
FROM `information_schema`.`table_statistics`
GROUP BY 1, 2;
| database_name | table_name | MB |
| <database> | <rowstoretable> | 1,689 |
| <database> | <columnstoretable> | 0 |
2 rows in set (0.10 sec)
For a particular database or table, you can use a WHERE clause:
SELECT `database_name`, `table_name`, FORMAT(SUM(`memory_use`) / 1024/1024, 0) MB
FROM `information_schema`.`table_statistics`
WHERE `database_name` = '<dbname>'
AND table_name = '<tablename>'
GROUP BY 1, 2;
How do I check the size of a Columnstore table?
Columnstore tables use space on disk. To view the usage of the Columnstore, you can use the following query:
SELECT `database_name`, `table_name`,
FORMAT(SUM(`uncompressed_size`) / 1024/1024, 0) `uncompressed_mb`,
FORMAT(SUM(`compressed_size`) / 1024/1024, 0) `compressed_mb`
FROM `information_schema`.`columnar_segments`
GROUP BY 1, 2;
| database_name | table_name | uncompressed_mb | compressed_mb |
| <database> | <table> | 642 | 63 |
1 rows in set (0.10 sec)
There will only be data presented for the columnstore tables.
For a particular database or table, you can use a WHERE clause:
SELECT `database_name`, `table_name`,
FORMAT(SUM(`uncompressed_size`) / 1024/1024, 0) `uncompressed_mb`,
FORMAT(SUM(`compressed_size`) / 1024/1024, 0) `compressed_mb`
FROM `information_schema`.`columnar_segments`
WHERE `database_name` = '<dbname>'
AND table_name = '<tablename>'
GROUP BY 1, 2;
You can view more information from the system table columnar_segments in our documentation.
How do I check the size of the Indexes?
View the size of the indexes by using the following query:
SELECT `database_name`, `table_name`, `index_name`, FORMAT(SUM(`MEMORY_USE`) / 1024/1024, 0) memoryUseMB
FROM `information_schema`.INDEX_STATISTICS
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3;
| database_name | table_name | index_name | memoryUseMB |
| <database> | <table> | PRIMARY | 1,342 |
| <database> | <table> | <indexName> | 839 |
2 rows in set (0.12 sec)
If you want to see from a particular database, table, or index, you can use a WHERE clause:
SELECT `database_name`, `table_name`, `index_name`, FORMAT(SUM(`MEMORY_USE`) / 1024/1024, 0) memoryUseMB
FROM `information_schema`.INDEX_STATISTICS
WHERE `database_name` = '<database>'
AND `table_name` = '<tablename>'
AND `index_name` = '<indexname>'
GROUP BY 1, 2, 3;
For the PRIMARY key, the `index_name` will always be PRIMARY.
The results are divided by 1024/1024 to return the results in MB.
How do I check the size of the Hash Indexes for a columnstore table?
select sum(compressed_size)+mcf.sum_size as hash_index_size
from information_schema.mv_columnar_segment_index,
(select sum(size) as sum_size
from information_schema.mv_columnstore_files
where file_type in ('CROSS_SEGMENT_HASH_INDEX')
and database_name = '<database>'
and table_name = '<table_name>') mcf
where database_name = '<database>'
and table_name = '<table_name>';
| hash_index_size |
| 67281736 |