How can I find details of the current license for my cluster?
I want to find information like :
- License key
- License type
- Entitlement info like Units
- Expiration date
You can find out information about your current license using two methods.
Method 1: Using SingleStore admin tools such as memsql-ops or memsql-admin or sdb-admin
Ops : memsql-ops license-list
Tools : memsql-admin show-license --- for tools version 1.9.1 and lower
Tools : sdb-admin show-license --- for tools version 1.9.2 and higher
NOTE: sdb-admin and memsql-admin are synonymous. In v1.9.2, memsql-* commands were renamed to sdb-* when memsql as a company was renamed to SingleStore.
Example memsql-ops output:
$ memsql-ops license-list
License Key Expiration Capacity State Created
52133c2cf2d84c3e8568cdc811c7c407 a month from now 0 Bytes WORKING 9 months ago
Example Tools output:
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-0-73 ~]$ sdb-admin show-license
✓ Successfully ran 'memsqlctl show-license'
+--------------------+-------------------------------------- -----+
| MemSQL ID | F10EEE9DFC8D135367C0977CC4DE9D1F2306348C |
| License version | 4 |
| License capacity | <REDACTED> units |
| License expiration | never |
| License type | enterprise |
+--------------------+-------------------------------------- -----+
[ec2-user@ip-10-0-0-73 ~]$
Method 2: Using SQL commands
memsql> show status like '%lic%';
+-----------------------------+----------------------------- ---------------+
| Variable_name | Value |
+-----------------------------+----------------------------- ---------------+
| License_version | 4 |
| License_capacity | <REDACTED> units |
| Used_instance_license_units | 0 |
| License_expiration | 0 |
| License_key | 7b56ecfe977a451ea148d50608f5a8f2 |
| License_type | enterprise |
+-----------------------------+----------------------------- ---------------+
7 rows in set (0.00 sec)
memsql> show status like 'seconds_until_expiration';
| Variable_name | Value |
| Seconds_until_expiration | -1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
NOTE: license_expiration - value is Unix timestamp of the license expiration date/time.