What does it mean when I get the error "ERROR 1790 (HY000): Restore operation could not be completed because the path on the node is inaccessible or doesn't point to a MemSQL binary backup file"?
If you are getting this error when running a RESTORE command, you'll need to check the path you gave to the backup file.
If it is a full path, make sure that the user for SingleStore can access it from **all the nodes** in the cluster.
If the path only points to the folder, without giving a specific file name, the backup name needs to be identical to the name of the database you are restoring.
If you are trying to restore a backup to a database with a different name, make sure you are either giving the full path of the backup file or changing the backup file name to the new database name.
memsql> restore my_db from '/home/admin2/my_db'; ERROR 1790 (HY000): Restore operation could not be completed because path '/home/admin2/my_db/my_db.backup' on node '' is inaccessible or doesn't point to a MemSQL binary backup file. Error returned from source: Failed to open file: /home/admin2/my_db/my_db.backup (2:No such file or directory) memsql> restore my_db from '/home/admin/my_db'; Query OK, 1 row affected (25.55 sec)