How can I identify a Workspace Group ID or the Cluster ID of a SingleStore CloudDB instance?
In this article, we are going to discuss how to get a Workspace Group ID or ID of a regular Cluster,
- The ID of the workspace group or a cluster is unique. so whenever reaching out to SingleStore support, It's best to specify the ID, so that we can easily find the cluster.
- ID is one of the requirements to Manage a cluster/workspace using Management API.
Step 1: Login into https://portal.singlestore.com/.
Step 2:
For Clusters: Choose the cluster on the left-hand side like below, The URL on your browser changes which contains your Org ID and Cluster ID.
Alphanumerical values next to organizations are Org ID -> 5-example-51-9bc9-1b9cab3160f8
Alphanumerical values next to clusters are Cluster ID -> 7b0f483-example-d45e2e5d6489
For workspace Group:
Choose the workspace group on the left-hand side like below, The URL on your browser changes which contains your Org ID and workspace group ID.
Alphanumerical values next to organizations are Org ID -> 5e125-example-45544c9-1b9cab3160f8
Alphanumerical values next to workspaces are workspace group ID -> ec62818-example-8cee32-59e84eac95b5