How to update Maintenance Window Schedule for SingleStore CloudDB Deployments?
SingleStoreDB Cloud deployments perform weekly online updates, and these updates can last for up to two (2) hours. The scheduled update time is shown per deployment in the Updates tab of the cloud portal.
Scheduled updates (Maintenance Window) allow improvements, bug fixes, and optimizations to be made to your workspaces. These updates may trigger a rolling online restart of your workspace. For more details click here.
You can modify the time at which the weekly updates run in the cloud portal by selecting a workspace group and navigating to the Update menu.
Choose the workspace group or the cluster -> Navigate to the Updates tab -> Click on Edit to change the Scheduled Updates Day.
Clicking on the Edit button opens the below Pop-up window,
- Choose any day (Sunday to Saturday).
- Choose the preferred 2 hrs (Timezone is in UTC).
and then click on Save.
Now if we check on the updates tab, Considering the above example of Sunday and Hour -> Below message gets updated first which confirms that modification has been successful,
Message: "Updates could occur on every Sunday, at 12:00:00 - 14:00:00 UTC."
Note: It will take an hour for the New Upcoming schedules to be updated (3 upcoming schedules).
To receive the latest major feature updates (Major Version Upgrade for example from 7.8 to 8.0), you may file a Support ticket to have your SingleStoreDB Cloud workspace group/Cluster updated to the most recent version.