How do I set up Azure PrivateLink in SingleStoreDB Cloud?
Azure PrivateLink:
You can connect from a SingleStoreDB Cloud cluster to private services and networks. Setting up an Azure PrivateLink involves actions from your end and the SingleStore Infrastructure end. To make this process seamless, before reaching out to SingleStore Support, we recommend you get the below details and share the details with the SingleStore Support.
For Inbound Request:
Inbound means that it's the customer's apps that are querying the SingleStore,
1. Following pieces of information are required to be shared when opening a support ticket for Inbound PrivateLink:
- Cluster URL (Cluster ID).
- Mention that the request is for Inbound.
- Provide the ID and name of your Azure Private Link subscription (It's the ID of the subscription from which you want to connect to SingleStore).
- Region Details.
2. SingleStore will send you an alias (a GUID to identify the PrivateLink service).
3. Create a Private Endpoint using the alias provided in the previous step. SingleStore will accept the request into the service to complete the connection.
For Outbound Request:
Outbound means that the SingleStore DB makes the requests (usually via pipelines, but also can be SELECT ... INTO ...), so the configuration starts from the customer's end.
Following pieces of information are required to be shared when opening a support ticket for Outbound PrivateLink:
- Cluster URL (Cluster ID).
- Mention that request is for Outbound.
- Request for the Alias Name from SingleStore.
- Region Details.
Further steps are mentioned in the docs, click here for the same.