How to edit and use the yaml cluster file when migrating from MemSQL Ops to ToolBox?
When migrating a cluster from MemSQL Ops to ToolBox and following the guide here, a cluster configuration YAML file is created, which is then used in the subsequent step:
sdb-deploy setup-cluster --cluster-file <cluster_file>
When a cluster file is used with setup-cluster, any parameters that would affect the cluster configuration that could usually be passed as flags into the command should instead be added to the top of the yaml file. This ensures consistency that every time a particular cluster file is used, it results in a cluster with an identical configuration. These parameters include the ones listed as "flags" in the following documentation but not the ones listed as "global flags": setup-cluster
For example, the following command won't work:
sdb-deploy setup-cluster --cluster-file <path-to-cluster-file> --high-availability=false
You instead edit the file at <path-to-cluster-file> and add the following line to the top:
high_availability: false
Then run:
sdb-deploy setup-cluster --cluster-file <path-to-cluster-file>